Independent fan site, Philip Morris International Inc. did not authorize, take over the patronage, or otherwise endorsed it.

About IQFAN website

The independent webblog IQFAN was created upon our great interest in less harmful smoking using IQOS which we consider a revolutionary way to substitute a classic cigarette. 


We love IQOS and we're also delighted that our breathing has improved and that our clothes don't smell anymore. According to all studies, IQOS is less harmful than a cigarette, that's why we've decided to give our readers as much independent information as possible and to show smokers that there exists another way. Since 2018 we expand IQFAN into many language varieties.


Martin Matkal Kalián
no more burning, heating is enough

Site's owner statement

 IQFAN web is independent and is not in any way authorized, taken from or controlled by Philip Morris Products S. A. It is solely a private activity of its fans.


IQOS is a trademark owned by Philip Morris Products S.A. No products or accessories described or advertised that are not genuine IQOS products or accessories are endorsed, reviewed or endorsed by Philip Morris Products S.A. and all responsibility for these products remains with the retailer, distributor and / or manufacturer of these products.


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IQOS is now available in the US, you can buy it online, but you have to go to a first physical store in Atlanta. In Europe it is mainly sold by specialized IQOS Coach, you can order a meeting at the Customer Care Center or at the official website, and you can also visit branded outlets in shopping centers.


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