Buying IQOS is a pleasure, unpacking the box, a new device shining in your hand, the first HEETS extraordinary taste... But how good is it after a week, a month or a whole year? In order for the IQOS to smell good, it is necessary to clean it properly. However, none of us can avoid some level of surface damage. Every color behaves differently, which one to choose?
Elegant dark blue, almost black, IQOS with gold inscription is the best-selling variant, the only one covered with a matte rubber coating, which is pleasant to touch and easy to hold. Fingerprints and grease, which can be easily wiped off with the palm of your hand, are very strong on it.
But rubbering also has its disadvantages. It is prone to scratching, even with a fingernail. Shallow scratches can be fixed even with your finger because rubber can expand. Another inconvenience may be peeling, in our FB group even the users, warn about leaving the device in the sun.
IQOS White
The IQOS white version is probably nicer when sold, the surface looks luxurious, attracts attention and is more attractive than the Navy one. However, it is not rubber-coated like the Navy, and over time the color kind of rubs off and it looks like a piece of plastic. It is also noticeable on the holder because the plastic beneath the surface is black.
The surface of the white IQOS is also much more susceptible to scratching. If you are careless with it and put it on the table or somewhere where there is dust, the tiny sharper specks can cause scratches on the charger and those are clearly visible.

Limited editions Blue, Pink, Ruby and Motor sport
The limited editions are different, surprisingly they tend to be better.
- crimson Ruby is matte and not really susceptible to damage, the color can get rubbed off over time
- Blue has a high-quality metallic coating, there is a risk of scratching.
- Motor sport has a black charger top cover, the body is the same as Blue.
- Pink is very shiny and smooth at all times, therefore very prone to scratches.
All limited editions are easy to scratch, but not as much as the White version.
The most extreme thing to happen
In an extreme case, eg after a year, you choose between the White with scratches in the middle of the charger and rubbed off color from the bottom edge or the Navy with a badly hunched hips with scratches and peeling surface rubber.
Of course, a wide range of cases will prevent most wear and tear. Unfortunately, the scratching of the surface is not an acceptable reason for a warranty claim.